What We Do

Strategic Planning & Capacity Building


How can you reach your goals if you don’t know where you are going? Through a customized strategic planning process, we guide you through the creation of a roadmap that is flexible, resilient, and aligned with your vision, mission, and goals. We offer you tools to make well-informed choices, to maximize your unique strengths, and to track your progress towards accomplishing your goals. We understand that your organizational culture, processes, and programs must be well-coordinated with your strategic goals, so whether you need assistance with on-boarding your Board of Directors, staying up to speed on best practices, or developing professional development opportunities for you staff, we can help you make sure you have the capacity to meet your goals.

Facilitation & Meeting Planning Services


A well-facilitated meeting feels cohesive, productive, and even enjoyable. Through a combination of participatory facilitation techniques and over fourteen years of facilitation experience, we can empower you to gather information, solve problems, and arrive at solutions to challenges you may not have been able to overcome on your own. Before a meeting, we work with you to identify clear meeting goals and build an appropriate agenda. During the meeting, we cultivate a warm and inviting environment - whether it is in-person or virtual - and the energy and creativity to coax the full participation of all participants. After the meeting, we will curate and share all findings to set you up for success.

Writing, Editing, & Graphic Design

You work hard to develop impactful content to share with your community. We can work together to ensure that your communications and resources are accessible and engaging thru writing, copy-editing, and design services. We specialize in layout, formatting, typography, and graphics. Whether you support farmers through technical assistance resources or work with institutions to purchase more local foods thru weekly blogs, we can work with you to hone your messaging and make it pop with design.

Research, Measurement, & Evaluation


Rooted in a combination of strong analytic skills and a wild curiosity for the world around us, we provide research, measurement, and evaluation services that are clear, concise, and accessible. From primary data collection and secondary data analysis to best practices to evaluation plans and frameworks, we can help you gather the information you need to be successful and sustainable.

Project Management & Organization


Do you know what you want to accomplish but there simply are not enough hours in the day to do it all? Whether you need just one spreadsheet or complete program design, we can help you initiate, plan, organize, and implement your projects in an efficient and effective manner, so you can continue to focus on the big picture. From basic tasks (spreadsheets! database management!) to visionary projects, we provide a wide range of project management services that are grounded in our collective work as practitioners.