Building strong local and regional food systems

Team photo of Jill, Luthien, and Sarah against a sunny forest backdrop

Founding Members Jill, Luthien, & Sarah

A Thoughtful, Multitalented, & Driven Team

Sift Consulting LLC is an all-female firm offering a full suite of services for nonprofits, farmers, and public agencies building strong local and regional food systems.

With backgrounds in local food systems, sustainability, and community planning, we are uniquely positioned to support passionate, mission-driven teams.

What We Do

Strategic Planning & Capacity Building


Through a customized strategic planning process, we guide you through the creation of a roadmap that is flexible, resilient, and aligned with your vision, mission, and goals.

Research, Measurement, & Evaluation


From primary data collection and secondary data analysis to best practices to evaluation plans and frameworks, we can help you gather the information you need to be successful and sustainable.

Writing, Editing, & Graphic Design


You work hard to develop impactful content to share with your community. We can work together to ensure that your communications and resources are accessible and engaging thru writing, copy-editing, and design services.

Get in Touch

Whether you are a small vegetable grower or a large nonprofit, we ensure that all projects – from the practical to visionary – are executed with integrity, creativity, and a great attention to detail. Reach out to see what we can achieve together!